The official Home and Office by Bijoux Catering take-away and delivery shop in Zürich, Geneva and Basel

Discover or rediscover the dishes prepared by Bijoux Catering's Home and Office team, for an exceptional experience.

favourite dishes

Sunday brunch

Do you want a romantic brunch, with friends or family but you prefer to stay at home? Home and Office by Bijoux Catering, caterer in Zurich, Basel and Geneva, offers you its brunch offer available for home delivery or take away.
180 CHF / 2 Menu

Grilled Shrimps with Lemon and Oregano Butter

43 CHF / 1 Portion

Discover the Universe of our establishment

Advantages & Guarantees

Clic & Collect

100% direct, you pay the best rate and directly to the establishment with secure payment

Home delivery

Orders 24 hours in advance

Home and Office by Bijoux Catering in Zurich, Basel and Geneva.

Home and Office by Bijoux Catering is a luxury catering service located in Switzerland more precisely in Zurich, Geneva and Basel, which offers you the pleasures of tasty and refined gastronomy, both on land and in the air. Our team makes it a point of honor to meet your expectations to satisfy your desires for each event.
The Home and Office team combines passion and expertise to offer you unique services both in terms of private reception and delivery of meal trays in business.